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Other great projects from Grassroots Films
Follow on an unexpected journey across the globe. Travel to the prisons of Central America, walk the dark city streets of London, New York and Ireland’s most treacherous neighborhoods.
The Human Experience
In a world fraught with hostility and violence, an altruistic group of young men endeavor to understand the true essence of the human spirit by visiting forgotten souls such as homeless New Yorkers, Peruvian orphans and isolated Ghanaian lepers.
Follow one of CNN’s hero’s Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow as we get a glimpse into his simple yet groundbreaking idea that is working to lift the developing world out of poverty.
More vocation resources for young Catholics:
These excellent resources are aimed at helping young men to be open to God’s call for their lives. Consider using these in addition to the Fishers of Men video.
YOLO Brochure
For teens who may feel some skepticism about even considering a vocation to priesthood or religious life. When first unfolded, the unique design presents the four main states in life: marriage, the priesthood, religious life, and single life. When further unfolded, it presents frank answers to teens’ questions about celibacy, boredom, and happiness.
Discerning Priesthood Booklet
Easy-to-read 16-page booklet helps teen boys and young men discern the priesthood. With accessible language and great photos, the booklet answers guys’ most burning questions, including their concerns about celibacy.
A guide for five simple and effective vocation-themed youth ministry meetings. Straightforward content gives busy youth ministers solid meeting plans to teach teens about vocations to marriage, priesthood, and religious life. The meetings include film nights, saint story night, a discernment holy hour, and more.