Discernment Texts

Weekly Texts/Emails to Connect & Inspire

Email newsletters

Now also available as a weekly text message!

Regular Contact & Discernment Wisdom

Weekly SMS text or email provides regular contact with your candidates.

  • We write and design each message, providing inspiring and relevant information on how to discern a priestly vocation.
  • You can review all the content and revise as desired (though most Vocation Directors are happy with the content as-is).
  • Our special system delivers the texts/emails, and you can also archive content on your website and share via social media.

Custom, professional design for your diocese.

Can be integrated with your website and social media

52 issues, each focused on one aspect of discerning the priesthood.

Edit as needed!

We work with you to revise & refresh list of recipients

Sent via special system, so it comes from you to each individual candidate.

Add ‘event blocks’ to messages to advertise retreats, camps, etc.

52 Issues on Discerning the Priesthood – from you!

We offer a year’s worth of automated, weekly emails to candidates. When someone joins the list, he automatically starts at issue #1 and receives weekly discernment articles for 52 weeks.

  1. The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make
  2. Gaining Peace Through Prayer
  3. Be Not Afraid
  4. Why Celibacy for Priests?
  5. Talking to Family and Friends about Interest in the Priesthood
  6. Be It Done Unto Me According to Your Word
  7. The Heart of a Priest
  8. Pope Benedict Speaks to Seminarians
  9. Discernment Spirituality
  10. How to Leave Seminary (Before You’ve Even Entered)
  11. The Art of Self-Knowledge
  12. Seminary 101
  13. How to Talk to the Vocation Director
  14. Why the Words, “And With Your Spirit?”
  15. Asking the Right Questions
  16. Why You Need a Spiritual Director
  17. Priest Hero: Fr. Vincent Capodanno
  18. Undecided is Not a Vocation
  19. Adventures in Priesthood
  20. Priesthood: Vocation of Last Resort?
  21. Check Your Baggage at the Door
  22. Total Abandonment
  23. Two Things to Do While You’re Discerning
  24. St. Isaac Jogues
  25. What Will You Do With Your Life?
  26. Sometimes God Wants You to do the “Wrong” Thing
  1. God Equips Those He Calls
  2. Missionaries of the New Evangelization
  3. Christian Poverty
  4. Mom, Dad… I Have Great News!
  5. Dating and Discernment
  6. Celibacy and Fatherhood
  7. Your Vocation—Destiny or Free Choice?
  8. What is Prayer?
  9. Saints, not Superheroes
  10. Fear of Commitment
  11. St. John Vianney
  12. Climbing the Mountain
  13. How to Pray
  14. Priestly Courage
  15. Discernment and Desire
  16. Wait and See
  17. What St. Joseph Can Teach Us About Discernment
  18. Cyber Discernment
  19. Discernment Advice from St. Ignatius
  20. Cultivation of Your Vocation
  21. Vocation and Free-Will: Whose Choice Is It?
  22. The Shepherd’s Voice
  23. What is a Priest? The Sacred Office of the Priesthood
  24. St. Vincent de Paul
  25. Atheism vs. Vocation
  26. Ordination is Just the Beginning