Sponsor Books for Catholic Classrooms

Adopt a Second Grade Class and we’ll send books to every student!

Bring Sisters back to Catholic Classrooms!

Lamenting the lack of sisters in our Catholic schools and parishes? Mother Clare has a plan to bring them back! And you can join the mission!

The vast majority of Catholic kids see sisters so seldom (or never!) that religious life seems like a far-off fairytale. Little Covent in the Big City introduces children to the warmth and love of sisters, who care about the well-being of their souls. Learn more about the books

Adopt a Second Grade classroom (either in a school or parish religious ed), and we’ll ship them copies of the Little Convent books (you choose which title). Every student will bring one home!

Students Reached

Schools Sponsored

Students given a book

How it works

We’ll determine the exact number of students in that classroom, and send a box of free softcover books to the teacher, to give to each student. We’ll note your name as the donor.

If you donate more books than there are students in a particular class, we’ll add them to the next classroom. The goal is to reach as many Catholic students as possible!

Another beautiful benefit – this reaches parents too! Moms and dads will learn more about religious life when they read the book to their child. Imagine the great “vocation conversations” that this book will spark!

Sponsor a Second Grade Classroom

You can designate the school or parish of your choice – or let us choose one that has requested Mother Clare’s books.
