National Vocation Awareness Week
November 2-8, 2025
“The way Jesus shows you is not easy. Rather, it is like a path winding up a mountain. Do not lose heart! The steeper the road, the faster it rises towards ever wider horizons.” St. John Paul II


Evaluate your efforts to foster vocations
How well are you promoting vocations in your assignment? Here’s a quick evaluation:
Is there information about vocations readily available in the narthex of my church? Do I keep a stock of books or brochures on my shelf to give to promising young people?
Do I tell people I love being a priest? Do I tell stories about notable priests or religious? Am I making an emotional connection with my audience when I speak on vocations?
Do I invite young men to consider the priesthood—overtly, directly, and with sincerity? Do I recommend to men and women the possibility of religious life?
First Reading: Duet. 6:2-6
“You shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
The Vocation Angle: Observing God’s law isn’t a chore but a grace: “that you may grow and prosper the more.” We were created to love, therefore our souls are at peace only in love. Your vocation is the answer to the question, “In what specific way is God calling me to love?”
Second Reading: Hebrews 7:23-28
“Jesus, because he remains forever, has a priesthood that does not pass away.”
The Vocation Angle: Take this opportunity to preach on the nature of the priesthood and the irreplaceable role of priests in the economy of grace. Consider emphasizing the need for priests in the diocese. Stress that God calls normal men; one does not have to be perfect to be a priest. At the same time, we need courageous men who are striving for virtue, burning with desire to bring God’s love to others.
Gospel: Mark 12:28b-342
Jesus reiterates the great commandment of love, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart… and your neighbor as yourself.”
The Vocation Angle: A priest who taught in Catholic high school for many years helped students navigate their teen years by counseling: “For now, spend your energy on becoming the man or woman God is calling you to be… the rest will come in time.” Similarly, St. Augustine famously advised, “A short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt… let the root of love be within, and nothing can spring from this root but what is good.”
Instead of agonizing over discerning one’s vocation, the best advice is to return to the basic law of love. Is love evident in your commitment to prayer? In your moral life? In your service to others, especially the poor? Redouble your efforts to love—and God will reveal your vocation.
During National Vocation Awareness Week, we ask the Holy Spirit to renew the Church with more vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. We pray to the Lord.
That young people can overcome digital addictions and rediscover a spirit of silence and reflection, to better listen to the Lord’s voice.
That young men will respond with courage to the Church’s tremendous need for more priests. We pray to the Lord.
For all those who witness to Christ by embracing lives of poverty, chastity, and obedience in religious life. We pray to the Lord.
For a renewal of marriage in the Church, and that Christian parents will be open to their sons and daughters becoming priests and religious. We pray to the Lord.\
In gratitude for the priests, sisters, and brothers who have served our parish and have passed from this life, that the Lord grant them eternal happiness. We pray to the Lord.
During Vocation Awareness Week, please pray that young people in today’s culture will hear and respond to God’s call. And do your part to encourage them to consider the priesthood and consecrated life!\
Could Your Son Go To Seminary?
Many parents, when their son expresses an interest in the priesthood, will dispense well-meaning advice: “Get some life experience first—and at least a college degree—then think about seminary later.” Some moms and dads even hope that with a nice girlfriend and a good job, the idea of priesthood will fade away. The problem is, they may be right! That’s why it’s crucial that when God moves the heart of a young man to explore the priesthood, parents should be supportive. True, in some cases an 18-year-old may not be mature enough to enter seminary right out of high school. But many are ready. And today’s college seminaries are places of joy, camaraderie, and deep spiritual growth. Even if your son goes to college seminary and eventually discerns he is not called to priesthood, don’t think he’ll have to “make up for lost time.” Thousands of former seminarians look back on their seminary days with great affection and gratitude!
All-new for Nov 3, 2024!
Inspirational stories, awesome photos, and solid info on vocations, giving Catholics in the pew a fresh perspective on the priesthood and consecrated life. Stories include:
- Fr. Ryan Stawaisz: Heroic service in his final days
- Serra International helps 50 religious orders attend Eucharistic congress
- What were recently-ordained priests doing before they entered seminary?
- Small-group discernment
- Father-son Seminary Trips
There is also a DIGITAL VERSION of the bulletin insert for National Vocations Awareness Week.
Each order also comes with a free Priest Resource Page, which contains vocations-related themes for the readings, homily ideas, bulletin items, prayers of the faithful, and more!
Vocation Curriculum Packet • Grades K-8
Equip Catholic schools and parish DREs with everything they need to effectively teach vocations in grades K-8. The packet includes worksheets for every grade plus other great classroom resources. Now includes The Unsolvable Problem by Mother Clare, CFR! Everything is presented in a sturdy 9×12 folder.
Vocation Curriculum Packet • High School
Robust vocations curriculum for Catholic high schools! Equip Catholic teachers (and parish Confirmation catechists) with everything they need to effectively teach vocations. Includes the Learn to Discern 40-page workbook for teens, plus several more resources. Everything is presented in a sturdy 9×12 folder.
If your diocese, parish, or school subscribes to Vocation Lessons, you’ll have access to age-appropriate material for every grade.
• Hearing God’s Call
• Christian Marriage
• The Priesthood
• Consecrated Life
Includes games, activities, reading selections, and much more. All 100% online. The goal is inspire Catholic students to appreciate each vocations and remain open to God’s call.
Most educators use Vocation Lessons as part of a diocesan subscription. However, individual parishes and schools can also subscribe.
Our Children’s Vocation Worksheets are used by hundreds of parishes and schools.
- Helps kids pray for people they know – priests, brothers, sisters, and married people.
- Includes a simple lesson plan for teachers on the back page.
- Original illustrations by fine artist Bernadette Carstensen
Or purchase grade-specific Vocation Worksheets for Pre-K, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4, or Grades 5-6
Access the newly-updated guide to help youth ministers lead easy-to-prepare but super effective meetings, including:
• Vocation Movie Nights
• Discernment Holy Hour
• Saint Stories
• Ongoing Discernment Groups
Or purchase the Vocation Nights Pack, with all the videos, handouts, and youth minister guides.
Discernment groups for young adults are the single most effective short-term method for ushering men and women into seminary or religious formation.
Consider partnering with nearby parishes to run a priestly discernment group for men and a religious life discernment group for women.
Both groups are structured as book-study groups, with excellent books and ready-made discussion guides. Seven meetings per semester help participants dive deep into a “diligent discernment.”
Many thanks to OSV for underwriting the entire cost of Melchizedek Project materials.
Consider adding a special page about vocations to your parish website.
“Vocation” means “call.” As Catholics, we believe God calls individuals to fulfill certain roles in the Church, both for their own holiness, and the good of the entire Body of Christ.
Holiness is Our Common Goal
Holiness is everyone’s primary vocation. Holiness means trying to be like Jesus. It means being a “whole” person: striving for virtue, avoiding sin, and living a life of love.
After the decision to follow Christ and seriously pursue holiness, your vocation is the most important decision in life.
Holy Marriage
Most people are called to marriage—to wholeheartedly love their spouses and to joyfully welcome children. The purpose of marriage is for a man and woman to help each other get to heaven, and to teach their children to do the same. Like any vocation, marriage must be discerned, not assumed.
Consecrated Life
Both men and women can join religious orders such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictines, etc. The life and work of religious orders varies greatly—some are primarily devoted to prayer; others work actively in schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. Common to all religious orders are the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Priests bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus through preaching and the sacraments. Priests are very active as they counsel people, teach classes, prepare homilies, administer parishes, and much more. Many surveys show that priests are among the happiest people in the world! Deacons, too, share in the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Dedicated Single Life
Some people serve God as single people, without marrying or making special vows. While not a “vocation” in a strict theological sense, single people “contribute greatly to the good of the human family” (CCC 2231). “Some live their situation in the spirit of the Beatitudes, serving God and neighbor in exemplary fashion” (CCC 1658). There are many single people who serve the Church with incredible generosity.

“Each of you has a personal vocation which He has given you for your own joy and sanctity. When a person is conquered by the fire of His gaze, no sacrifice seems too great to follow Him and give Him the best of ourselves. This is what the saints have always done, spreading the light of the Lord … and transforming the world into a welcoming home for everyone.” ~
How Parents Can Foster Vocations
Imagine asking your son what he wants to be when he grows up, and he answers, “I want to be a priest!” What would your reaction be? Would you be worried or elated—or somewhere in between?
The truth is that God has a plan for each of your children; he wants them to be happy even more than you do! And their true happiness is found in discovering God’s plan for their lives—their vocation—and following it wholeheartedly.
So if you’re truly concerned about your children’s well-being, it makes sense to help them discern their vocations, whether to marriage, priesthood, or religious life. Here are some simple ways to foster openness to God’s call.
1. Snuggle up and read a story. Sometimes the simplest ideas are best! Add some books about famous saints to your bedtime reading. There are dozens of fascinating, age-appropriate stories of saints who were priests and religious. There’s even a comic book about St. John Paul II as a child!
2. Watch a better movie. When it’s time for family movie night, take a pass on Spy Kids 4 and check out A Mission to Love (the life of St. John Bosco). There are tons of other Catholic films that depict heroic and interesting priests and religious. The conversation afterwards is far more meaningful than which explosion was the biggest!
3. Set the record straight. Media depictions of dating and sexuality are often opposed to authentic love. So when a TV show sends the wrong message, set the record straight about what leads to real happiness. Especially around teens, defend the sacrament of marriage.
4. Play dress up! Just as children “play house” and pretend to be moms and dads, help them imagine the life of a priest, brother, or sister. A sheet or towel can serve as a sister’s habit. A Ritz cracker makes a good host for Mass. This kind of play normalizes what can otherwise seem to be an “other-worldly” vocation. Plus it’s a lot of fun!
5. Pray from the heart. In your family prayers, pray for more priests and religious. Let your kids hear you praying for their futures. “Lord, watch over Simon today and give him the grace to grow up to be a strong man of God. Keep him close to You, always in Your perfect will.”
6. Talk about vocations. Speak openly about vocations to marriage, priesthood, and religious life. From the earliest age, make it clear that happiness in life is following God’s plan. Tell kids that priests have an awesome job because they bring us the sacraments. Teach them that religious brothers and sisters make special vows to live like Jesus.
7. Befriend priests & religious. Invite a priest, sister, or brother to dinner at your home. Personal relationships are key. When kids are comfortable around Fr. John or Sister Margaret, they’re far more likely to be comfortable with the idea of a priestly or religious vocation when they grow older.
An Open Attitude
If your child expresses interest in the priesthood or religious life, be supportive. If you’re excited, don’t push too hard. If you’re apprehensive, trust in God’s plan. The best thing you can say is, “Whatever God wants for you, I want for you, too.”

This content is from the brochure entitled “Seven Ways Families Can Foster Vocations” from Vianney Vocations. Also in Spanish
Joy Mixed with Reluctance
Many Catholic parents have some reluctance about their children becoming priests or religious—at least at first. Typically, parents’ concerns fade as they witness their child’s vocation mature, and his or her happiness grow.
Parents Speak Their Minds
“When my little boy plays Mass, it brings joy to my heart. His older sisters play along, even though they’re trying not to laugh. Who knows if he’ll ever be a priest? It’s just great that his little heart is in the right place. I love that.” ~ Amanda C.
“It almost broke my heart when Julie joined the convent. But when I visited her a year later, I could see the happiness and joy just radiating from her. My sadness melted away in an instant. I knew she had found her way in life. In retrospect, I’m glad my plans didn’t work out. As hard as it is for me to admit, God had a better plan for her.” ~ Carl R.
“Our son joined a religious order right after college. We were happy for him, but then he left, saying it just wasn’t his call. But I think it was good that he explored it… He was peaceful when he went in, and peaceful when he left. His mother and I are fine with his decision either way.” ~ Salvatore S.
“I wanted grandchildren so badly. I hid my disappointment when Colin went to seminary, thinking his interest probably wouldn’t last. By the time his ordination came along a few years later, God had really worked on me. I couldn’t have been prouder. His priesthood has been the greatest gift God has ever given our family.” ~ Jenni P.
Young Catholics: The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make
If you were about to make one decision that would dramatically impact the rest of your life, how would you go about it?
If you were contemplating a cross-country move, you’d probably learn everything you could about the new city. If you were choosing a career, you’d visit the career counseling office at your college. Heck, even if you were buying a new flat-screen TV, you’d do some serious research.
But there’s one decision that’s far more important than any of these. In fact, it’s so important that it can’t properly be called a decision.
We’re talking about your vocation—your God-given mission in life. God etches our vocations into our very souls, and thus a vocation is not just a matter of choice, like choosing a career, but rather more like a discovery. Finding your vocation is like realizing something about yourself that has been there all along.
But God plants your vocation so deep in your soul, sometimes it’s hard to see. In fact, many people—even Catholics—never even consider looking for it at all. Sometimes marriage is assumed to be the “default” vocation. But God calls some people to a different life—a life committed solely to serving God’s people as a priest.
Discovering your true vocation takes careful deliberation—a process the Church calls “discernment,” which is derived from the Latin word meaning to “sift through.” All vocations—marriage, priesthood, or the religious life—require a diligent discernment.
Here are ten tried-and-true ways to discern God’s calling for you:
- Pray and Listen asking the Lord daily to show you his will.
- Pray the Rosary asking for the intercession of Mary, Mother of priests.
- Pray a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament regularly.
- Attend Mass frequently (daily if possible) and receive Communion.
- Go to Confession on a consistent basis.
- Read Scripture and meditate on God’s Word.
- Talk to a priest you find approachable and ask for spiritual advice.
- Contact the Vocation Director.
- Talk to seminarians when they come home for the holidays.
- Become involved in your parish.
These are practical ideas that really work. You’ll notice that by doing these things, not only will you hear God’s voice more clearly, you’ll begin to grow in holiness–which is everyone’s primary vocation.
But the best thing you can do to discover your vocation is to simply be open to the will of God. Stop asking what you want out of life, and start asking what God wants. Remember that Jesus wants you to be happy even more than you do. And if He calls you to priesthood, trust that He will bring you fulfillment.
Discerning your vocation—the state of life that God is calling you to for the rest of your life—is truly the most important discovery you’ll ever make.
For men discerning the priesthood, the best book to read is To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood, by Fr. Brett Brannen.

For women discerning religious life, the best book to read is Discerning Religious Life, by Mother Clare Matthiass, CFR.

For men discerning religious life, the best book to read is A Living Sacrifice, by Fr. Benedict Croell, O.P., and Fr. Benedict Hofer, O.P.
Consider sending out parish-wide emails the first week of November.
Send: October 30
Subject Line: Sunday begins Vocation Awareness Week
Dear Parishioners,
Next week (Nov 1-7) the entire U.S. Church is focusing on vocations–specifically on encouraging young Catholics to seriously consider the priesthood and religious life.
Everyone acknowledges we need more priests and sisters. The question is how do we get them?
The only answer is to inspire young Catholics to develop a deep, authentic love for Jesus Christ and His Church, and then accompany them as they discern God’s will for their lives.
How can you help? Consider three things you can do this week (and beyond):
Talk to your children and grandchildren. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In healthy, normal conversations about the future, please encourage boys and girls in your family to remain genuinely open to a vocation in the Church.
Invite young people. If you see teens and young adults in our parish, encourage them! Don’t be afraid to say, “I’ve been noticing you around the parish, and I think you’d make a great priest/sister if God were calling you!”
Offer good information. We need to go deeper with young people, offering them “solid food” as they’re figuring out God’s call. Here are some excellent gifts for young people who need guidance.
Finally, please pray for vocations. In your regular daily prayer, please pray especially for the youth of our parish, both for their holiness and that some will become priests, sisters, and brothers.
God bless you!
Send: November 3
Subject Line: A story for Vocation Awareness Week
Dear Parishioners,
As we celebrate Vocation Awareness Week, here is a story that sheds light on why vocations are so critical within the Church.
Who Will You Bring to Heaven?
A priest’s vocation story
I grew up in a loving Catholic family, helping out often at my parish. I got tired of hearing everyone say, “You’ll make a good priest when you get older!” Everyone, that is, except my pastor.
But one day, as a senior serving one of my last Masses, just as the old monsignor and I were about to enter the sanctuary, he asked, “John, what will you be doing after graduation?” I thought to myself, “Oh boy, here it comes.” But I replied, “Monsignor, I’m thinking about studying medicine.” And he replied, “Good, good. And what will you do after that?” I said, “Well, I suppose I will marry and have a family.” The priest said, “Good, and what after that?” Not sure exactly where this was leading, I replied, “I guess I will grow old and eventually retire. And then I guess I will die and go to heaven.” The pastor nodded his head thoughtfully, then looked at me earnestly and asked, “And who will you bring with you into heaven?” Immediately, he rang the sacristy bell and we walked out to begin Mass.
I thought to myself, “How clever you are, Monsignor. How clever you are. Who will I bring with me to heaven?” I pondered that question for several years before answering it by entering the seminary.
Adapted from an anonymous priest’s vocation story as told in To Save a Thousand Souls
The lesson is clear: every vocation is about helping others reach heaven! This is every bit as true about marriage as it is about the priesthood. How are you helping others draw closer to Jesus?
God bless you!
Fostering Vocations in the Eucharistic Revival

Renewing the Church by Inspiring Vocations