Clean Break: New Hope for Freedom from Unwanted Habits


By Brother Sam Gunn, Brotherhood of Hope. A powerful approach to overcoming habitual sin such as pornography, overeating, hooking up, social media addiction, and more. Brother Sam helps young Catholics develop a deep self-awareness of their patterns of thought and behavior, then apply tried-and-true Catholic principals to find freedom. 104 pp

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Clean Break: New Hope for Freedom from Unwanted Habits, by Brother Sam Gunn, Brotherhood of Hope

After working one-on-one with college students for 25 years, Br. Sam Gunn has developed an approach to dealing with habitual sin that actually works. By looking closely at the “Habit Cycle,” Brother Sam offers incisive ways to break patterns of thought and behavior to find spiritual freedom.

The book is filed with short, salient passages, accompanied by illustrations showing the various aspects of the Habit Cycle and how it can be disrupted through prayer, accountability, reconciliation, and “training in truth.” Particularly illuminating are the real-life case studies of young men and women caught in cycles of sin. Each one examines the interior patterns that lead from short-term “recovery” to temptation, then to the all-too-familiar fall, followed by shame and hopelessness. The final sections of the workbook help readers to sharpen traditional Catholic approaches to Confession, scripture, prayer against evil, and more. 

The Clean Break workbook guides young people through an honest, hope-filled self-examination of sinful patterns—whether it’s pornography, overeating, social media addiction, hooking up, binge watching or other unwanted habits. An incredibly powerful, effective resource to help young people grow in freedom and holiness.

From the Back Cover: “This workbook is a faith-based Catholic approach to overcoming uncontrolled bad habits. It will equip you to respond with honesty, humility and courage. Maybe your life feels out of control right now. Are you willing to believe that God can lead you out of the cycle you’re in? Are you ready to accept that you can’t save yourself? Jesus wants to bring you lasting freedom, if you’ll do your part.”

7″x8.5″ paperback, 104pp

The Phases
The Transitions
Habit Log
The Conditions
Habit Cycle Examples
Renewed Hope
Five Freedom Virtues
Prayer of Surrender
My PART – Overview
My PART: Prayer
My PART: Accountability
Daily Examen
My PART: Reconciliation
Core Beliefs
My PART: Training in Truth


Brother Sam Gunn belongs to the Brotherhood of Hope, a community of Catholic Brothers who evangelize students on secular college campuses.

Additional information

Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 8.5 × .5 in
Availability Now available in-store

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