Discernment Self Test (Set of 25)


Do you have what it takes to be a priest? This 20-question test helps young men rate themselves on human maturity, desire for service, and Christian character.

SKU: BRO-DST Category:


In the style of “online quizzes” the Discernment Self-Test helps men gauge whether they are good candidates for seminary. From the back of the small trifold brochure:


“Knowing yourself is a critical aspect of discerning your vocation. How has God made you? What are your deepest desires? Do you have signs that point toward the priesthood? This 20-question self-test is a tool for gauging your disposition toward Christ and the Church. It also will help you reflect on the human qualities needed to be a good priest.”


Adapted from Fr. Brett’ Brannen’s test in To Save a Thousand Souls. This is an excellent tool for high school classrooms, confirmation students, vocation events, and discernment retreats.

Additional information

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 3.5 × .5 in
Availability Now available in-store

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