Intercession for Vocations – Holy Hour


Holy Hour for Vocations booklet includes powerful prayers and meditations for those who wish to pray for vocations.


Interceding before Our Lord in the Eucharist is one of the most powerful ways we can pray for vocations. We reviewed dozens of Holy Hour formats before creating this 12-page booklet, including the most profound prayers for those who wish to “beg the harvest master to send workers into His harvest.”

The booklet leads participants through a traditional Holy Hour, with all the standard prayers, but with vocation-themed readings and meditations. There is a good balance between silent adoration and common prayer.

  • Traditional hymns in English and Latin
  • Four options for vocations-themed Gospel readings
  • Intercession for the Priests in My Life
  • Meditation on My Personal Vocation Witness
  • Vocation Meditations from the Holy Father
  • Various Prayers for Vocations
  • Litany of the Saints for Vocations
  • Petitions for Vocations
  • Prayers and hymns for Benediction

The booklet is illustrated with beautiful woodcut imagery from traditional prayer books, and is sturdy enough to be used over and over again.

Additional information

Weight 0.0625 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.031 in
Availability Now available in-store

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