Vocation Starter Pack – Bilingual


Fifteen of our best vocation resources, over 300 pieces, a $236 value.

To Save a Thousand Souls

The new edition of Fr. Brett Brannen's comprehensive book on discerning a vocation to the diocesan priesthood.

Salvando Miles de Almas

In stock

7 Ways Families Can Foster Vocations Brochure (set of 50)

Brochure has great ideas to help Catholic families nurture vocations at home.

Español - 7 Ways Families Can Foster Vocations (set of 50)

Four-fold brochure is packed with good-looking photos and realistic ways that families can help their children remain open to God's call, whether to marriage, priesthood, or religious life.

YOLO Vocation Brochure for Teens (set of 50)

Great brochure teaches teens about the four main vocations and answers common questions.

In stock (can be backordered)

Rosary for Vocations Brochure (set of 50)

Four-fold brochure with insightful reflections on the Luminous Mysteries.

Español - What Will You Do With Your Life? (set of 50)

In stock

Vocations Prayer for Children Card (set of 50)

A simple rhyming prayer to know my vocation. Perfect for Catholic schools or religious education classes.

Discerning Priesthood Booklet × 5

Immensely helpful booklet introduces teens and young men to the priesthood and helps them to discern their vocations. Used with teens at all Steubenville Conferences.

In stock (can be backordered)

Is This A Call? Booklet × 5

16-page booklet helps young women to discern religious life.

Vocation Nights Youth Ministry Guide

Five simple and effective vocation-themed youth ministry meetings.

In stock

Pray for Vocations Poster (bilingual) × 2

Awesome poster with majestic imagery reminds the faithful to pray for vocations.

In stock

A Living Sacrifice: Guidance for Men Discerning Religious Life

A comprehensive guide to help men discern if God is calling them to religious life. Written by Fr. Benedict Croell, O.P. and Fr. Andrew Hofer. O.P.

Discerning Life Decisions (set of 50)

Four-fold brochure concisely explains how to approach big decisions using the three modes of discernment proposed by St. Ignatius. An excellent guide for any Christian facing life choices, including those discerning their vocations.

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Fourteen of our best vocation resources, used by more than 100 different dioceses! Over 300 pieces in English and Spanish. Great for stocking the parish book rack. It also includes materials to give to youth, as well as the best books about promoting vocations in the parish.

See our other Vocation Starter Packs here!

Additional information

Weight 15.6 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 4 in
Availability Now available in-store

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