Bulletin Insert—World Day of Prayer for Vocations


NEW FOR May 11, 2025. A beautiful two-sided bulletin insert features great photos and short articles to inform and inspire parishioners about vocations. This issue highlights the 2025 Jubilee Year, and a Priest in Times Square.

Volume Discounts
Quantity Discount For
1-99 $0.20 each Overall quantity
100-249 $0.15 each Overall quantity
250-499 $0.12 each Overall quantity
500-999 $0.10 each Overall quantity
1000-* $0.08 each Overall quantity

Add the digital version too for even greater reach

Digital Bulletin—World Day of Prayer for Vocations

*DIGITAL DOWNLOAD* NEW FOR May 11, 2025. A beautiful two-sided bulletin insert features great photos and short articles to inform and inspire parishioners about vocations. This issue highlights the 2025 Jubilee Year, and a Priest in Times Square.

Beautiful two-sided bulletin insert features great photos and short articles to inform and inspire parishioners about vocations. Includes:

  • National Spotlight on Campus Ministries
  • A Priest in Times Square
  • Brave and Blessed: A fun way to teach kids about heroic Catholic Military Chaplains
  • Planting Seeds of future Vocations
  • Pray 180: A 6-month commitment to praying for vocations

Each order also comes with a free Priest Resource Page, which contains vocations-related themes for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations - homily ideas, bulletin items, prayers of the faithful, and more.

Also available in a digital version

Additional information

Weight 0.03 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .005 in
Availability Now available in-store

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