Skip Earth Day and Pray for Vocations Instead

Skip Earth Day and Pray for Vocations Instead

By Sam Alzheimer Recently, walking in the woods with my six-year-old daughter, I was amazed at how fluently she could speak about endangered animals. She chattered away about the last white rhino that died a few weeks ago. She knew about passenger pigeons who were...
Discernment: The Friendship Before Marriage

Discernment: The Friendship Before Marriage

By Mother Clare Matthiass, CFR Adapted from her book Discerning Religious Life Available at Can you imagine starting a relationship with someone by taking him by the shoulders and exclaiming, “Am I supposed to marry you?” If he doesn’t break free...
“I don’t understand why priests have to be celibate.”

“I don’t understand why priests have to be celibate.”

Excerpted from pages 42-47 of A Priest in the Family, a book by Fr. Brett Brannen for families of men discerning the priesthood. I once heard the story of the Lotha tribe in Nagaland, India, a place that many Protestant missionaries had visited. They had all tried to...

Melchizedek Project Leads to Boom in Vocations

By Fr. Kevin Bordelon, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Lafayette, LA In the fall of 2010 the Diocese of Lafayette had 28 men in priestly formation. This fall we expect 52. That’s an increase of 86% in six years. I think the word boom is appropriate to describe...
"Stop Talking to My Son about the Priesthood!"

"Stop Talking to My Son about the Priesthood!"

A note by Fr. Brett Brannen for his parish’s bulletin on April 17, 2016. Fr. Brannen is the author of To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood A number of years ago, when I was first ordained a priest, a mother came up...