Discernment 180 for Men – by Fr. Greg Gerhart


D180 is a six-month discernment plan to help men dive deep while discerning the priesthood. It lays out a clear “rule of life” including spiritual practices and specific discernment actions. The bulk of the book contains daily readings to aid in discernment. The goal is to grow in holiness, prayerfully consider the priesthood, and peacefully accept the life God has prepared for you.

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25-49 $18.00 each Overall quantity
50-* $17.00 each Overall quantity
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Ready to get serious about discerning the priesthood? Discernment 180 is a six-month plan to open your heart to God’s call, whatever it may be. D180 outlines a rule of life, provides meditations for daily prayer, and offers specific discernment actions.

Components of D180:

  • Daily Prayer
  • Sacraments
  • Growth in Virtue
  • Service
  • Study (including daily readings)
  • Weekly self-evaluations

Discernment Actions:

  • Dating fast
  • Spiritual direction
  • Visiting a seminary
  • Discernment retreat

Discernment 180 is designed to help you discern your vocation, but even if 180 days comes to an end and you still have questions about your vocation, there is one near certainty: you will have a richer, fuller, more beautiful friendship with Jesus Christ than ever before.


The book contains short daily readings from:

  • Introduction to the Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales
  • The Discernment of Spirits, by St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • Confessions, by St. Augustine
  • Story of a Soul, by St. Therese of Lisieux
  • Ad Catholici Sacerdotii, by Pope Pius XI
  • Proclaiming a Year for Priests, by Pope Benedict XVI
  • Pastores Dabo Vobis, by Pope St. John Paul II
  • Sacerdotalis Caelibatus, by Pope St. Paul VI
  • Audiences by Pope Benedict XVI & St. John Paul II
  • Various scripture passages


About author Fr. Greg Gerhart:

Fr. Greg Gerhart is a priest of the Diocese of Austin, TX. He grew up in Allen, Texas, and heard his vocation to the priesthood at the age of 14 when attending the Pines Catholic Camp. He now serves as the Vocation Director of the diocese. Fr. Greg explains the origins of D180 as arising from his lived experience: “As I worked with young people, I began to see that they needed more structure in their lives, especially while they’re seeking to know their vocations.” He also wanted to offer deep content, not “fluff”, and so he drew from the Church’s greatest saints and theologians for the daily readings. “So far D180 has borne incredible fruit in my own diocese,” he said. “I’m glad to offer it to any young man or woman who needs guidance as he listens for God’s call.”

“A comprehensive rule of life tailored specifically for those discerning their vocations.”


“A surefire way to give the Holy Spirit ample room to convict one’s heart—and either enter the seminary or peacefully close the door on the priesthood.”


“Most priests discerned priesthood over many years; often way too many years! Fr. Gerhart has given discerners a way to step up to the plate, make a holy, prayerful, and disciplined discernment in 180 days, and then make a decision.”


“When I started Discernment 180, I was confused about God’s will for my life, unsure of where to go next. D180 gave me the knowledge and structure I needed to discern with greater intensity and intentionality. While I certainly gained clarity about my vocation, the most important grace I received was reclaiming my sonship, my identity as a beloved son of the Father. D180 helped me realize that God is more interested in me than in what I can do for Him.”


Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .875 in
Availability Now available in-store

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